it all takes time

By Don2532

Mellow Mallow

Not such a mellow day, whether its the heat, work, my painful back, work, cos I'm tired, work or I'm just miserable old grouch I'm not sure.

I did take some photos in the garden at work before I went to face the supermarket but didn't like any so my trusty kitchen cooker top and black card came into service once more.

This time using my 90 mm Tamron which doesn't get much use since I got the 150 Sigma.

Anyway I got a little Lightroom work to do, quick bit of adjustments on staff photos taken recently so best post this and get on.

Although early I would prefer just to go bed having first taken a magic pill that when awake turns back the clock and turns me into a young man with energy once more. Ill scourer my pill box just in case I have just one more left.

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