
By RadioGirl

In the Kitchen

Some decent progress at last! My sister came over today, and together we managed to unpack all the boxes that had been piled up in the kitchen. We took some excess things up to the charity shop on our way to The Exchange for our lunch. It’s great to be able to go in the kitchen without having to walk around a stack of boxes in the middle of it. I’m very grateful to Susan for helping me. We did a lot of scrunching up of packing paper which filled one of the boxes and were able to collapse another two. Eventually my removal firm will come and collect all the packing materials and recycle it for me - that’s what I call good service.

In the afternoon I washed up the glasses we had unpacked, cleaned the cupboard shelves, and then arranged them all in it. I’ve blipped the result which I’m pleased with. The cups, saucers and tea plates are in addition to the everyday crockery set that is kept in another cupboard, and are from when Mum and Dad used to host a house group. I decided to keep them in case I do the same here some time in the future.

I’ve still got a few more cupboards to clean and rearrange to accommodate other unpacked things, but at least I’ve nearly got my kitchen back! Trying not to think about the other boxes of kitchenalia that are currently languishing in the garage. There is no more storage space left in the kitchen (cue theme music from ‘Jaws’)….

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