There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

First Visit to the New Palmer! / Hummingbird Moth

In which I visit friends, old and new!

A friend shared pictures on Facebook that he took at the new Palmer Museum a few days ago. When I saw the one shot among the photos he posted, I recognized it instantly as one of my favorite paintings from the Palmer's collection, Winter on the Schuylkill, by Fern Coppedge. (View it here on Instagram.)

Fall semester is rapidly approaching, with classes beginning Monday, but I thought I might be able to squeak in a quick visit to the museum today, and I did! That's "by the skin of her teeth," for sure! Tomorrow, ALL of the students start coming back!

When I got to the Palmer, I was pretty much breathless as I walked through the doors. T. Tiger was in my purse, riding along. I made a quick donation and approached the two ladies at the desk. I told them that I was a regular visitor to the Palmer in its old location, but this was my first visit since it opened in its new location, by the Arboretum. I was so excited!

I mentioned that a friend had shared a picture, and it made me want to go. The one lady wanted to know WHICH picture. I couldn't remember the title or the artist, but I said it was a Pennsylvania artist, and the painting was of SNOW along the water, and reflections, with fabulous brush strokes. 

She knew it INSTANTLY, and directed me where to go to see it. "I feel like I'm here to visit an old friend, a whole bunch of them!" I said to her. "I could almost cry!" I think we were all feeling misty as I walked away. 

And I did indeed visit that painting, and saw many more lovely things in the new art museum, including its beautiful blue Chihuly glass exhibit on the main stairwell. 

The painting above is called The RainMakers Dance, by Henry Bermudez. I just liked all of its colors, patterns, and wild textures. There is lots to see there and it will take me some time to get used to it all. But it was delightful indeed: a big, bright, beautiful, airy, open space, full of light and art!

Of course, I couldn't pass by the Arboretum without at least visiting the lily pond! So after T. Tiger and I visited the Palmer, we hopped on over to the Arboretum for a few minutes before my husband arrived to pick us up.

T. Tiger was practically BURSTING to get out of my purse, as I'd threatened him to behave OR ELSE! (Some of you may remember T. Tiger getting me into some trouble now and again on prior museum visits; I warned him this time: NO shenanigans!) So we did a tiny photo shoot in the succulents before we left.

Also included in this story is one hummingbird moth, which I like to call "fancy bugs." :-) This one is the big maroon kind, which is called Hemaris thysbe, the hummingbird clearwing. It was sitting quietly on a leaf and presented an easy target for photos. A butterfly led me to it!

And now for a completely unrelated story! A couple of weeks ago, while swimming at Whipple Dam, my husband and I ran into a sweet little old lady who is 87 years young. We spent the afternoon with her, chatting, and by the time it was done, we felt like old friends. Suddenly, I looked down and realized she was feeding us orange slices from her purse.

Well, one thing led to another, and she phoned us and we sent her a card, and then today, we phoned her and then went and visited her at Graystone Court Villas. She's on the 5th floor and the views were fab from her balcony, of the sweet, gently rolling hills of beautiful central PA.

By the time we left, nearly two hours later, we'd chatted up a storm, and she'd served us iced tea and crackers, and offered us all of the candy in her purse for snacks! (It's been a long time since we made a new friend!)

What a day it was! Oh, and we also managed to fit in some shopping. We went to Ocean State Job Lot and bought two new yard chairs (the first we can remember buying since I moved into this house 20 years ago), and three new mini braided rag rugs. Everything is already moved in, and in use!

This was a day that ranged far and wide. Let me pick two songs to go with this story. First, in celebration of friends old and new, we have Pete Townshend, with A Friend Is a Friend. Second, for my fancy bug, I've got Reba McEntire, with Fancy.

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