So Long, Boston!

This is the view from my window seat this morning on the plane leaving Boston and heading to Montreal.  I can see our building!

The flight was delayed for a bit because the plane that took off ahead of us hit a bird, and the runway needed to be inspected (cleaned????) before we could use it.  Thankfully no other unexpected surprises on the flight.

After standing in the longest line we think we've ever encountered at an airport to pass through immigration in Montreal, we headed to the baggage claim to pick up our luggage.  My bag showed up quite quickly, but Mr. W's failed to show up.  We began to worry that he'd be spending the next 6 weeks on our cruise wearing just one outfit!  Eventually, pretty much after everyone else had left with their suitcases, there was one large bag we'd noticed circling around for quite a while ... it had a bright red sash-like thing attached to the handle, which is not anything we would have added, but we decided to turn the luggage right side up (it was lying face down on the carousel), and realized it was Mr. W's bag after all!  For some reason it had managed to acquire someone else's key-coded padlock on a red seatbelt-like strap that must have once been wrapped around their suitcase, and somehow come off.  We assume a baggage handler thought it was ours, and had tied it to our handle ... at first we thought TSA had inspected Mr. W's bag and found something they didn't like, and had locked his luggage awaiting our arrival in Montreal to arrest him!!!!!

We are now at our hotel in Montreal where we will spend tonight before an early morning departure tomorrow for Greenland.  Good thing we're not going to be here very long ... the hotel staff are on strike!

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