Big Hill

By bighill

Emergency trip...

Making glazes is already a huge chore for me but when i found out i don't have the small amount of 1 of the ingredients, right at the last moment, i almost had an total tantrum and break down!!!  how did i do that.....i made a really good list of the ingredients i needed a few months ago and placed the order with my clay supplier, and somehow the zinc oxide didn't make it to the list!!!   So after some rages and tears....just a bit too much for me today....i settled down, called my trusty potter friend Sarah, and when she answered the phone her greeting was...."hi Linda, what are out off?"  with the sweetest and most loving voice i must add, not in a blaming shaming way.....we potters are kind to each other!  But it seems like at this time of year the only time we chat is when i run out of something!  So after a few phone calls etc., she told me she did have some so i jumped in the car and drove to her place.  over on the ferry, with this beautiful vista....and i got my zinc!

Back home, finished making the glaze, sieved the other 3 and now it's time for a nap!!!

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