Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Floating gently over France

It was a horribly early start at 3.30am this morning to drive back to the UK - but worse than that, I did not sleep properly so only had about 1 hour's sleep. We packed up the car and left on good time, and I dozed for most of the journey until the sun rose, when I saw this hot air balloon drifting across the landscape with the early morning light on it. 

The journey is very scenic as the French countryside is looking so pretty in late summer - fields with high corn getting ready to be harvested, sunflowers facing their enormous heads into the sun, and many farmers busy out in the fields with tractors and harvesters. Unfortunately I could only look at these wonderful scenes and not get any photos from the motorway, that problem made worse by being on the wrong side of the car in a right hand drive vehicle on roads designed for left hand drive cars. It was sunny and warm weather all the way through France.

We made it in good time to the Eurotunnel crossing, and as we came out of the tunnel on the English side it was grey, misty, raining and the temperature had dropped by7C to only 18C - welcome to the UK! We stopped off at the Flexiplus lounge on the French side before crossing, they serve the most delicious macarons and all sorts of fresh pastries, and I got a mint tea.

The traffic on the motorways through Kent was awful as there are roadworks and reduced lanes for most of the journey, and I was driving as Gavin had a Teams call so he was busy with that. When we got home it was warmer at about 21C.

It took ages to unpack everything, I had taken so many clothes and as usual I only wore about 20% of what I had taken. There was an enormous pile of mail, but thankfully Tommy had neatly sorted it into respective piles for Gavin and I, and thrown out all the junk mail. 

I have already done two loads of laundry while Gavin made supper (spag bol, his only dish speciality and I am feeling really tired so it will be an early night.

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