For the family

By RonaMac

The boys are back

We headed over to Telford this afternoon to attend a reunion of the 106 Entry Apprentices at RAF Halton in 1964. They are celebrating the 60th anniversary of joining up as 16yr olds. It’s quite amazing that they have kept in touch all these years. There were 25 in attendance and some wives. Over the years some have died and some were unable to attend because of illness. 

B is in this picture, on the left, with three of the lads that shared the same room for three years. There were 13 beds in the room. A happy bunch. 

We had a super time, plenty of chat and a learning exercise every time we meet. Last year we weren’t able to attend as B suddenly had a bout of vertigo and we had to cancel our trip. 

We stayed at a hotel and golf resort as the golfers in the group have a competition during the afternoon. It was a great place and the food delicious. 

Plans are underway for next year’s event, fingers crossed we will get there. 

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