For the family

By RonaMac

My challenge

We went to the Royal Airforce Museum at Cosford on the way home today. We went to the Air Show in June, but didn’t have time to see round the hangers on that day. 

It was busy with lots of families. Superb, so many aircraft that I’m familiar with but I haven’t seen close up to get a sense of size and scale. There was the opportunity to sit in the cockpit of a Hunter. I would have preferred a Jaguar, but that wasn’t available, so we chose another aircraft that B had worked on. 

I’m a bit ancient to be climbing in and out of this limited space, but I wanted to see it. The picture is the evidence and includes my pink shoes. The picture in extras is of the person who followed me in to the seat, a little boy who looked about 8 yrs old. A bit of climbing exercise. 

The visit was excellent and we must go back with S, he would love it. For me so many memories from my childhood and my dad’s work on aircraft, and through the 70 plus years since. 

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