Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Back Down to Earth

A day of unpacking, loads of washing (thanks Bb, at least all done and dried in the sun), watering plants and noticing which ones haven't survived (even with somebody watering every 2nd day!), generally opening the house up, and then the inevitable start of getting my cards renewed - permanent resident's card, driving licence and health card etc.  I spent well over an hour looking at different websites to see what was needed just for my resident's cards and eventually gave up and called a general helpline for the city. The person was helpful and so we trotted along to the police station she'd given us the address for, hopeful, as this was where we'd picked up those cards a couple of years ago. However, there was a queue and only for those with an appointment - big signs all over the window! Back to the drawing board. 

We went to Arabica for some dinner, having booked it on the Fork app, which we sometimes use (if we're organised enough to book ahead!) and this restaurant was just a 10 min walk from the police station. There's a special summer offer of 50% off the a la carte menu in lots of restaurants (including this one). The owner went to great lengths to explain the complicated menu combinations and eventually we just went for this selection here. Of course, it somehow wasn't included in the discount offer, even though on the a la carte menu!  The food was tasty, but if we understood it correctly, each person always needs to order at least one starter and one main (offer or not) - which is usually too much for us - the size of the main course is the one in the middle of this plate.  Anyway, good food, but we're not in a hurry to go back.  There are lots of restaurants like this one which let you choose just a selection of small dishes!

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