
By JohnW

Blue flowers with bee.

My guess with help from Mr Google is Delphinium.  I’m sure someone will put me to rights, and confirm, one or the other.
The one bit of brightness left in one of our neighbours’ garden, so being short of a blip I nipped across the road and took a handful of shots.
I had chosen one of the other frames but when I zoomed in on this I saw the bee – lucky shot.
Not firing on all four again today.  Heaven knows what the matter is but I’ve been light headed and wobbly since first thing. I could add muddled to that but would anyone notice the difference?     It doesn’t help that Mrs W has been suffering with her knee since her fall the other day so I’m head cook and bottle washer plus general dogs body – a Warman’s work is never done . . .        Forgive me if I get a bit behind in commenting.

Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday,

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