
By JohnW

Happy birthday Extract Fan . . .

Today I gave the ensuite extract fan a birthday.   It has been annoying me for weeks (months?) as when I have a shower I notice the serious build up of ‘dust’ on the input grill and blades, and resolve to clean it.  Repeat procedure at next shower.
Normally I clean it with the vacuum cleaner which doesn’t do a lot for the blades, so this time it was disassemble and deep clean with the aid of tooth brush (don’t tell Mrs W . . .), bottle brush and soapy cloth.
Apart from looking clean it is also now quiet AND is shifting about double the air . . .
All we need now is to touch up the paintwork from when it was installed – I possibly blipped it but I can’t remember that far back . . .
The silly thing is that I was about to make a pot of tea when I nipped to the bathroom, forgot the tea and resolved to clean it there and then!  Fortunately Mrs W had got engrossed in a video about Amazon and others waste, selling off pallets of goods at a fraction of the retail value, so she didn’t notice.
Went shopping to buy some replacement ferrules for Mrs W’s crutches, forgot to take a crutch for size and guess what.  It’s surprising what can be achieved with a few layers of electrical tape . . .  I’ve ordered some the right size from Amazon now.

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