
By ayearinthelife

The Cat Crept In

This cat is a regular visitor to our back garden, usually hanging around the bird feeders in an attempt to catch an unwary blue tit off guard. So far it has failed, not least because the birds all fly away when they see it coming. Obviously, it’s become a bit more fussy of late and now thinks that if it sits at the table, we will feed it!
A much less busy day today, with only minimal travelling involved. Very pleased to have achieved another Bench Press PB in the gym this morning (two sets of 10 full reps at 60kg if you’re interested) and had a leisurely stroll down into town this afternoon. Got some books out of the library and visited the travel agent to book the airport car parking for our upcoming holiday. Managed to get a better car park, closer to the terminal, and for a longer time, for only a pound or so more than last year - result.
And the icing on the cake was that they had - coincidentally - received our tickets that morning. They were going to phone me next week but, as I’d called in today, they were able to complete the online check-in there and then, so that’s everything for our holiday now complete.
Four weeks today, at this time, I will hopefully be sitting in the sunshine, on a hotel balcony, overlooking the Bay of Naples. Rather than considering putting a warm jumper on whilst staring out at a cold, wet and windy Lake District!

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