
By JackyMT

Home made tomato soup

with our own toms.

A wild and windy start to the day so deferred from going dog walking until it settled a bit. Made the hot pot for tonight instead. Then took Tanzy, lots of trees down we noticed. later I made the soup.

Then Paula got a call from the hospital to make an appointment for a CT Scan at the LGI (Leeds General Infirmary)  tomorrow, (Saturday) at 4.45pm

Then later she got another call saying her appointment for her lump removal next Tuesday had been cancelled, because they hadn't got the equipment ??  (I think that meant the surgeon wasn't available or someone had booked appointment's forgetting he was away) anyhow they have re arranged it from St James Hospital to a different surgeon at the LGI but it's not until 13th September at guess what time....7am, that right 7 in the morning, that will be a really early start to the day.

Anyhow the rest of the day went quietly. Kirsty did say she had a paddling pool blown into her front garden but up to around tea time no one had come to claim it, The News showed tents flying away in the wind at the Bramham Park music Festival. 

Hope it's a bit better day tomorrow. The cat hates the wind, she spent nearly all day in the greenhouse

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