
By Wildwood

David Austin Rose.

These roses have always been favorites of mine and this particular one is right outside the bedroom door. Struggling a bit but John has been going after the ground squirrels who are burrowing around underneath it. We might see if we can transplant it to a pot which seems to be the best way to grow flowers here.

Tobi stayed home with a new kitten this morning, one of a litter of  cats born in a barn, and apparently the only one of a large litter that wasn't feral. They were found by a friend of hers who looks after chickens on the property. There is an organization that will come and collect them, spay and neuter them and return them to the wild. 

Speaking of cats, there is a handsome Siamese cat and an equally good looking calico cat that we spot fairly regularly in our garden. They obviously belong to somebody and we don't mind their visits, especially if they catch some rodents while they are at it, but I suspect they aren't hungry enough....

We watched the last night of the Democratic National convention last night and I have to admit that I was lifted by both the speeches and the positive vibes. They were clearly addressing the Republicans who don't like Trump. It's a big lift these days to get anybody to change parties but I have always suspected that there were more Republicans against Trump than will publicly admit it, so it's probably a smart move. In an address by Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican Senator he said 'Democrats are as patriotic as us. 'Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong. He is a small man pretending to be big. He's a faithless man pretending to be righteous. He's a perpetrator who can't stop playing the victim. He puts on quite a show, but there's no real strength there'. The gloves are off now and I'm happy to say that It was good to hear it.

Kamala has transformed the race for president and put Trump on the back foot. She's smart, pleasant and tough and she has risen above being  'first black woman' 'or 'the first woman vice president' to being a forceful candidate in her own right. "Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails" , referring to the Supreme Court's recent decision granting immunity to presidents for official action taken in office, ''and how he would use the immense powers of the United States. Not to improve your life. Not to strengthen our national security but to serve the only client he has ever had: himself....Our opponents in this race are out there every day, denigrating America, talking about how terrible everything is. Well my mother had another lesson to teach: Never let anyone tell you who you are; you show them who you are'

How could anyone not feel uplifted by her enthusiasm and optimism? 

EDIT: I’m adding a shot of a wonderful cover of the New Yorker in extras

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