
By MrsK277

First and last

MrK and I took a long time to get off to sleep last night....buzzing from such a lovely evening.
The sun was shining for Maldon 500 parkrun and there were many dressed up as well as many who had been there for the first....even gentleman from Brazil. The runners in the pic always come way in front of me when they're not dressed up! Not today!
Michelle and I went for a swim after a cuppa in the petting zoo and the water was divine. There was a Megan Trainor tribute artist performing at the leisure park where you can overlook the stage from the sea wall. We sat and listened for a while, before saying our goodbyes and heading home.
After I'd showered I went out to see MrK and the boys. T had asked if he could chat with me last night, to offload how he feels about his nan passing - a very important lady in his upbringing after his father left. This will be his first funeral...since his best friend was killed in a hit and run when he was a young teenager. And his first family member. He feels a bit lost and has found it hard getting up and motivating himself in the mornings. He's moved away from friends and family in Brighton and just needs a bit of direction I think. MrK suggested I speak with him. I hope it helped.
We watched the full 30mins of video messages to congratulate Mrk on 40years. Very moved.

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