
By carliewired

62 F/ 17 C

A big change in the
weather - it's wet and windy
for our Saturday


I was at the post office yesterday at 3 PM. I asked the clerk what had happened to that thunderstorm we'd been promised. We looked outside to the sunny, blue-sky day and we laughed. At 5:30 I turned lights on inside the house because it was so dark - the storm had arrived! The wind rattled my house and I curled up on my bed to listen to the sounds including the roll of thunder. When I woke up hours later, the worst was over.

I woke up before 6 to look out at a bleary, soggy Saturday. It was raining so I was not in any hurry to go out with my camera. I waited until 8 to depart. I find it difficult to take photos on wet days. I have no motivation and it limits what I will do. 

I headed down to the north shore and took a drive around McDonald Park. I haven't given it really any attention since my kids were preschoolers. I took a look at the tree litter along the streets as a result of the wind. I was driving over broken branches in some places. I parked to walk around the cement block buildings that have been decorated with murals just before covid. A local artist, Kelly Wright, completed these wildlife paintings in 2019. 

There is nothing sadder than an empty kiddie's park on a soggy Saturday morning. I didn't stay any longer than to get my few shots.

I drove through part of our business to see more tree bits and branches tossed about. Then I turned for home and breakfast. 

I'm in for the day and will give the paperwork a definite rest for the weekend. We're in a bit of a cool spell and I'm enjoying it. 

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