Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Glasgow Architecture and a Random Chat

Two rather poor shots taken through the bus window as I travelled home after meeting Nancy for coffee in town. They show different styles of architecture.

Above is the refined terrace of University Gardens, while the extra shows some of the less attractive examples near Charing Cross.

I've been smiling to myself today as I remember a conversation I had on the bus yesterday. I usually go for a seat near the back, but this time I was sitting in a front seat with the heavy rug beside me. An elderly woman (ie older than me!) was sitting in one of the side-facing seats close by and suddenly said, "I like what you've done with your hair." She was looking straight at me, so I presumed she was talking to me. I was surprised and replied that my hair was just windswept. I thought the woman was just lonely as she went on to tell me she was going to her nephew's 50th birthday celebration, which her brother had organised in the Hilton - a private 'hospitality room' - because there'd be her nephew, his wife and their weans, her niece, her partner and their weans, as well as her brother's wife - sixteen of them altogether! It had been so cold that she'd had to put her heating on, did I have my heating on? No, but I'd taken a hot-water-bottle to bed. It had also been so wet yesterday when she'd got in from doing her messages that she'd had to change out of her slacks. A short lull, then she suddenly asked, "Is your sister back from her holiday yet?"...... and I had to admit that I didn't have a sister. The conversation stalled awkwardly. until the old dear then started up a new chat with a passenger who had just sat in the seat next to her. I'm left wondering if she thought she recognised me or was just wanting a chat!

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