
By Veronica

It’s the law

Heading to our annual visit to Bordes de Graus to stay with G and A, there is a strict rule that we have to stop at the top of the Port de Bonaigua, the highest point on our journey, and take a photo, so here’s this year’s effort. There is a restaurant at the top, and we decided to eat lunch there for the first time, but we won’t be making that mistake again. Expensive and not very good. There are much better options not far away.

We stopped in Llavorsí to do a bit of shopping, and got to Bordes to Graus not long after 4. Since then we’ve unpacked, had a celebratory G&T, and provided dinner … lamb tagine that we brought with us, the bread and cheese we didn’t serve to our 32 guests on Monday, apricot trifle. First course should have been S’s roasted cherry tomatoes with labneh, but he left the pre-roasted tomatoes at home (no oven here) so improvised with a sliced beef tomato.

G and A have now gone to whoop it up at the Tavascan annual fiesta, but we decided to chill here. Update: it’s raining, so they may not stay long.

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