Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Got on with some chores this morning ( a load of washing, washing up, feeding the birds etc) This afternoon I got a bus to Gateshead to do some shopping in the big Tesco there..  It was nice and quiet while I was there. I guess it had been busy earlier as there was an event going on in Trinity Square outside Tesco .... " Gateshead Town Centre Fringe Celebration" . Tomorrow there is " Pride on Tyne"  with various events and a music concert taking place in  Baltic Square down by the River. Good to see Gateshead making an effort on a Bank Holiday weekend.

Nothing much to blip so Ive chosen this shot I took in the back lane - a bramble flower plus insect ( not exactly sure what it is ).

The weather has been lovely today - warm, dry and sunny.  Hope it stays the same for the Pride event tomorrow.

Steps today - 3,802

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