A time for everything

By turnx3

Clean patio

I spent the morning pressure washing the patio with our new pressure washer. When I was cleaning the patio in the Spring, I thought it wasn’t doing a very good job, and I’d no sooner finished, than the pressure washer died - we’d had it a number of years. The patio was left reasonable, though not as good as I’d have liked it, and we knew we were going to be away for a month, so we didn’t rush into buying a new one. However, having returned from vacation, it was looking in need of another clean, so we ordered a new one from Amazon, and it came a few days ago. R had swept the patio for me - it had been littered with tiny undeveloped acorns from our oak tree-it’s been so dry, I guess they haven’t developed properly.
Anyway, I was pleased with the final result once it had dried, and we celebrated by having a drink followed by dinner out on the patio. After a pleasant week with cooler temperatures and humidity, the temperatures are on the rise, and we have a week of temperatures in the 90s F coming up!

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