A time for everything

By turnx3

Kayaking at Cowan Lake

With another beautiful day on the cards, we loaded up the kayaks, and went paddling at Cowan Lake, starting from the dedicated kayak launch which we discovered the last time we went, which is towards the inlet end of the lake, which is full of American Lotus flowers. We continued alongside them and went up the inlet creek, which we were able to follow for quite a way before it got too shallow. We saw two other couples kayaking, and when we got back there were several more preparing to set out. Besides all the American Lotus flowers, we saw a number of birds, Great Blue herons, Ospreys, perched in the top of dead trees and soaring above, numerous cormorants, and many swallows swooping low across the water. We saw a couple of sailing boats out as well as a pontoon boat. As we were loading the kayaks back on the car, another gentleman was preparing to put in, and we got talking. His kayak was long and sleek, made of fiber glass and therefore quite light -:he could lift it with one hand! He was obviously a keen kayaker, and had been kayaking for years, and we exchanged names of different lakes we have kayaked. A very pleasant afternoon out!

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