
By tridral

Unwaith eto i fyny'r bryn

Unwaith eto i fyny'r bryn ~ Once more up the hill

“For the bodhisattva, the practitioner who puts others before him or herself, working with others is a natural process, an absolutely spontaneous process. You are working along with situations as things happen. You don’t force things because you want to achieve something. It is like the natural growth of plants, If there’s enough rain and sunshine, the plants will grow; if there isn’t, the plants won’t grow. It’s as natural a process as that.”
― Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, (“The Bardo of Dreams” in Transcending Madness: The Experience of the Six Bardos by Chögyam Trungpa, page 115)

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Noson ofnadwy (ddim yn mynd i'r manylion erchyll) noson stormus hefyd felly dim llawer o gwsg. Serch hynny, ymlaen â'r diwrnod. Hwn oedd y diwrnod cyntaf yr oeddem i gyd gyda'n gilydd ar gyfer yr encil, ac yfory yw'r diwrnod llawn olaf. Am wythnos ryfedd mae hi wedi bod. Mae'r bryn wedi bod yn brawf o fy iechyd, a rydw i'n credu bod mae ewedi dod yn haws i ddringo yn ystod y wythnos.

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Terrible night (not going into the horrible details) stormy night too so not much sleep. Anyway, on with the day. This was the first day we were all together for the retreat, and tomorrow is the last full day. What a strange week it has been. The hill has been a test of my health, and I believe it has become easier to climb during the week.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bryniau, caeau, cymylau, glaw, dafad
Description (English): Hills, fields, clouds, rain, sheep

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