Nuuk Kayaks

This morning we docked at Greenland's capital, Nuuk -- apparently the only place in all the country with traffic lights and roundabouts!.  A hectic day for the ship, as they are busily loading the hold with all the supplies we will need for the next several weeks as we voyage through the frozen North.

It's a cold, gray, foggy day but nonetheless we had a wonderful walk through town, admiring the colourful houses, the church which is currently getting a shiny new copper steeple, a fish and meat market (a bit bloody and gruesome looking!), the Katuaq Cultural Centre which was designed to resemble the movement of the Northern Lights (see extra), and a wonderful little museum filled with all sorts of fascinating Inuit artifacts, including the famous Qilakitsoq mummies.

This is a picture of a rack filled with colourful wooden kayaks.  We were told the best boats are the ones you make for yourself.  I'm not sure I'd be confident enough to venture out into the ice filled waters in such a delicate looking vessel, but they certainly looked great!

Extra extra:  A sign in the center of town ... not quite sure what it means, but I hope it means "Park your sled dogs here".

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