
By GracieG

Here's One I Prepared Earlier

I'm still feeling a bit under the weather with my cold but I'm slowly improving.  The upside is that I've had time to process some outstanding photos.

Almost a month ago our photography club had a photoshoot at Circus Cortex in Cromer.  I did post a blip at the time but just one I'd taken with my phone as a record shot.  I was going through a rather busy time then and I knew that I wouldn't get round to sorting out the photos taken with my proper camera for some time.

Anyway, now I have and here is one of them.  The circus had an art deco theme and the performers were dressed accordingly and I thought this young lady made an interesting subject. I chose black & white as there were a lot of coloured spotlights which gave the performers rather strange looking coloured complexions.  I have added a colour photo of two of the performers in the extras though.

It was an excellent circus.  Not only were the performers very skilled but it was good old-fashioned innocent fun, especially the clowns, who were great and had all the children shouting and laughing at them.

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