
By pandammonium

Triple-choc cookies

Mr Pandammonium wanted me to make some of those cupcakes, but I couldn’t be bothered: I’d got cold and wet at parkrun – I was delighted to be offered a lift home afterwards – and I just wanted to be warm. So Mr Pandammonium looked in the recipe book and whipped up some triple-choc cookies instead. Mmm.

But then I needed to go out and do something.

‘Has it stopped raining?’

‘I think so.’

‘Shall we go for a walk?’

We went for a walk.

We put our walking trousers on because they’re lightweight and dry fast if they get wet – unlike jeans – and waterproof jackets.

We’d passed the point of no return round the village when the sky gave up holding the water up there, and dropped it down here. We got absolutely soaked.

It turned out Mr Pandammonium’s jacket was only showerproof. He was very unhappy. Mine was better, but still no match for the rain, and my special parkrun volunteer T-shirt that he got me to say thank you for supporting him at Sandringham 24 got wet.

It was nice to get home to a hot cup of tea and these cookies!

Oh, scandal at parkrun! Luna’s dad had not given me enough treats for her!

She gets one at specific moments, like when we get to the briefing area and when her dad runs straight past here, and a few while we’re at the finish funnel so she knows she’s a good girl and that someone is taking notice of her and because that same someone can’t resist those big brown eyes and the woffly nose.

We got to our post, and she got a treat then because that’s the routine. A little while later, I went to get another for her and discovered there was only one left after that one.


I told Luna the situation; she said I must have stern words with her dad. Stern words.

Which I did.

‘Oh no! Really?’

I nodded, subtly showed him the empty packet (not subtly enough).

‘There’s two packets at home.’

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