
By pandammonium

The boundary of Turnpike Road

I suggested going out, maybe to Ely. Mr Pandammonium said, after a pause, that we’d just missed the train. I said we’d have to get the next one.

About half an hour before the next one was due, I asked Mr Pandammonium if he’d bought tickets. We use the Trainline app rather than rely on the dodgy ticket machine; the station is unstaffed. He hadn’t.

He looked at the app. ‘We’ve got x minutes.’


We scurried to get ready to leave, by which time we had x - 2 minutes. We pegged it to the station, arriving at the same time as the train. I wouldn’t care – I’ve already been for a run today.

It turns out Mr Pandammonium hadn’t checked the timetable when he said we’d just missed the train after all. He’d assumed the train was running to its normal schedule. It probably was – for a Sunday.

I noticed the sign in the photo for the first time. It’s between the train bridge and the bridge that takes the road over the river to Soham and beyond.

There’s not much on the internet about this sign, other than that the turnpike road between Cambridge and Ely had a branch from Ely to Soham.

There’s at least one more turnpike road boundary marker in Ely, according to the internet.

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