
By ArcLight

Shandwick rock

I banged my knees on that blasted rock last week some time when it was high tide and I didn't see the rock, so swam into it.

This may be the last Shandwick Sea Swimming blip for a while as we are back to Edinburgh next weekend after the Kessock Swim. I may swim again at Shandwick this week, but nothing is planned. We shall see. Unfortunately, inky stinky work is going to get in the way of sneaky day time swims this coming week, although I have a plan for Friday morning....

More lovely light and very pleasant company at the beach this morning, although our numbers were rather smaller than is often the case. Mr A came along for the first time in a while and had his own inimitable take on the beach.

I had to do some work this afternoon, so the fact that the weather was a bit mixed (occasional light showers) and thus undermined the possibilities of garden work was not a major issue. I was also quite sleepy and I fell asleep for half an hour or so before dinner.

A last pleasant Sunday in the north before "it" all starts up again....

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