What I've Done

By JohnGravett

View from the top

Our sixth Wedding Anniversary, and out for a lovely dinner tonight, it's four years since we climbed Skiddaw on our wedding anniversary.

Since we had Covid a few weeks ago, neither Deb nor I have been up any of the fells. Following the weather we've had over the past few days, we decided the only dry areas would be found by going up. So we set off when the clouds broke and the rain stopped, went over Latrigg and up Lesser Man, Little Man & Skiddaw. So many people describe Skiddaw as a boring mountain - I fail to see why, when the views can be as great as this view over the Lake (Derwentwater) Catbells, and the Coledale Horseshoe. 

Winds at the top were gusting at least 65mph, so the time spent up there was kept short!

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