Nearly home - Day 12
I had four and a half hours from Pias' place to home and got here by late afternoon after an uneventful drive. It was lovely to get home, I've rested a little and had a look at the overgrown garden, which will be sorted some other day.
Ive driven 2400 km and used 145 litres of petrol, the trip cost me 2490 Skr (219€). Personally I think the journey was well worth the time and cost. I've met friends I haven't seen for years and seen bits of Sweden I've never been to before. I've also been in a flow the whole trip, been to places I didn't know existed and seen people who happened to cross my trail at the right moment, which gave my trip a golden edge.
I will get back to commenting your blips again, at least the future ones, thank you so much for your encouraging comments along the way.
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