
By dreaming


Dialysis yesterday wore me out so much that I slept for ten hours last night.  Spent today trying to get done some of the many things I need to do.  I meant to go down to the terrace for a blip photo, but the days have shortened so quickly that it got dark before I realized it.  So here, for Derelict Sunday, are the dried-out hydrangea blossoms that the cleaner brought two weeks ago.  It's time for them to go to the trash can.  Another day off tomorrow, I will change out Sylvie's litter at the very least.  

She's become more friendly again, thank goodness.  Yesterday she started sitting in the chair again, rather than under the bed, and she's come up for a cuddle several times while I've been at the computer.  I tried playing with her for a while, with a little thing that jingles on the end of a rope, but she loses interest pretty quickly.  I hope she's back to being my cuddly girl.

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