
By TheOttawacker

A little bit rushed

We’d decided to go up to Sundridge to have another go at Vagn’s house – this time focusing on the mezzanine above the garage. It was a hot and sunny day, and our plan of going at 3.30pm to avoid the worst of the weekend traffic and to get there before dark looked feasible.

But first, of course, a day of work. I was a little bit stiff after yesterday’s exertions, but a hot shower helped. By the end of the day, I had managed to run around, doing laundry, shopping, watering the plants and several hours of New Zealand work. How I ever had the time to hold down a full-time job is beyond me.
Ottawacker Jr. went over to start his new gardening job – a big client, none other than Mrs. Ottawacker’s boss. I’m not convinced this is a good idea: it reflects on Mrs. Ottawacker more than him – and while he is serious and quite methodical, I’m a firm believer that private life and work life should be separate things. As it happened, the first session went well and he came home with $16 in his pocket.
We managed to get everything ready to leave on time, which is, for our family, something miraculous. The traffic was reasonably good; we filled up the tank in Mattawa, and had a quick stop at the Lake Nipissing lookout. This was primarily because Ottawacker Jr. wanted to be able to say Lake Nipissing a dozen times.
Into Sundridge as dusk was falling. The hunt for killer mice in the house proved fruitless (and no droppings), so Mrs. Ottawacker could un-hold her breath and imagine a night, perhaps, through which she could sleep. We watch 40 minutes of Kung Fu Panda, which we all enjoyed – even with Ottawacker Jr.’s numerous inferences that the Panda character might have been based on his father. One quick Fu Jow Pai to his arm soon stopped that nonsense.

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