
By HareBrain

Happy Birthday

To Brooke, one of Mr HB's granddaughters.  We celebrated it in a very nice restaurant and enjoyed a super lunch.  Here she is with her lovely boyfriend Ed and we had the pleasure of meeting his parents as well.  Lovely people and Ed's Mum is a great crafter so we had a lot to talk about.

Lunch went on for ages and then there was cake! Pleased to get home for feet up on the sofa, a read of more of my book Kate Morton's 'Homecoming' (I'm over half way through but still finding it somewhat slow, determined to read on though as its so well acclaimed), and then a catch up with the Edinburgh Tattoo on the tele.

Later there was a knock on the door and who should be there but my gorgeous grandson Ben with his Mother.  She had picked him up from Birmingham station earlier as he's joining us all for a sad funeral tomorrow. He has come to be with the three boys he grew up with whose father died from cancer 3 weeks ago and only 62.  

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