
By HareBrain

Shrewsbury Steam Rally

We’ve had a brilliant day here.  Took a bit of time getting in and the weather was unsettled with a few showers and very windy again but once parked up the day was just fabulous until the last bit when the rain really did come down, a favourite picture in extra.
Sadly we missed the heavy horses in the main ring but the main event of many gorgeous steam engines of various types was fantastic and I felt very emotional when the large beasts appeared to the strains (loud) of The Post Horn Gallop followed by Land of Hope and Glory.  What a fantastic sight.  Followed by tiny steam engines, commercial and Forces vehicles and then a parade of Classic vehicles.  Couldn’t believe it when a Morris 1000 van in immaculate condition contained friends, driver J and passenger and dear friend M who I used to work with some 20 years ago, but we’ve still remained friends. The show continued with a few more steam engines being put through their paces.
Bottom middle of my collage is Lorna Dibnah, daughter of her famous Father Fred, driving one of Fred’s old Land Rovers, with another one of Fred’s next to her.

We thought it would be a long wait to exit the venue but were pleasantly surprised to get away without any real difficulty.  Well done to all the traffic staff who made it possible. 

I love a steam rally, the smells, the old fairground organs, the old-fashioned fun fair, lots of happy people and the pure joy of seeing such wonderful engines, cars etc, in such perfect condition and so well loved and cared for.  Also loved how many young family members were taking a keen interest too.  Think I’ll be putting the date in the calendar for next year.

Extras:  The last of the steam engines in the rain.

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