Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


I was lacking in energy today so I've spent a lazy day at home.  My exertions yesterday cutting back the Buddleia bush have left me feeling rather stiff and sore so Ive not done much today.

The Mono Monday challenge is ENERGY and as I was having this energy drink it seemed like a good thing to blip.   I was amused by the flavour - Cosmic Stardust.  I wonder who came up with that as a flavour name.  This is what the blurb says about the product...............

Description. Feel a boost of energy and enjoy the incredible, out-of-this-world taste of Alani Nu Cosmic Stardust.  A natural fruit flavoured energy drink with notes of sweet and sour grapes, strawberry, and chewy candies.

Thanks to ApolloFly for hosting

Late last evening I went on to the Iceland website to do an online order. Nothing exciting just cat food, big bottles of Pepsi Max, washing liquid, fabric softener.... mostly heavy things that aren't easy for me to get home myself. ( Strangely enough considering its Iceland I didn't buy any frozen items )  My order was delivered this afternoon at 3.30pm.  Delivery was free as I spent over £40.  Good service. 

The weather was dry today but very dull.

I didn't do very well getting back on to the slimming plan.  Must try harder tomorrow.

Steps today - 2,997

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