
By helenann


A lovely day; both weather-wise, and activities- wise.  We were invited to a bbq party by friends  A and C. We had a wonderful time in their beautiful and productive garden, catching  up  with  friends from ukulele class, as well as  meeting A and  C's other friends and family members.  We also met their  lovely old cat, Guinness, who is 22 years old and who rules the  house (of course!). Our hosts were very generous with amazing  food on offer. Such a pleasant way to spend a Sunday  afternoon!
The sunflower is actually in our garden, snapped this morning before we went out.
This  evening we watched the Prom concert on TV: Holst's Planets  Suite followed Sibelius's "The Wood Nymph"  and a new piece "Songs from the Countryside" composed  by Lara Poe, and sung by Anu Komsi. The  Sibelius Academy Symphony  Orchestra and Royal College of Music Symphony Orchestra and Chamber  Choir performed under  the baton of Sakari Oramo, making it a very Finnish affair! And also  very enjoyable.
I was reminded of how we took my mother to a Prom concert in 2019, when the Planets suite was on the programme. It was quite an adventure as we travelled on the  underground  and crowded buses, to and from the  Royal Albert Hall, and had a meal there before the  concert. She was 88 at the time  and thoroughly enjoyed the  evening. So glad  we did it then, as neither  she nor my sister who was visiting from Australia,  would be able to do it now.   

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