
By Tryfan46

Oceanside, California

No visit to Southern California would be complete without a visit to Oceanside. Landon is at school and Maddy with her mum. Chris was working most of the day so the time was my own.

I did a Joe Wicks HIIT first thing while it was cooler then moseyed on down to Urban Juice Cafe for a coffee and to FaceTime Susan who is having a great time with her friend Rosemary in Hampshire.

After lunch I used Chris’s car to drive to Oceanside, walking over 5 1/2 miles around the marina, the Pacific Ocean beach and the pier. Sadly, since our last visit the building at the end of the pier burned down leaving only a burned out shell at the pier end.

Plenty of people on the beach enjoying the waves, beach and slightly cooler temperatures as a result of the onshore breeze. Otherwise, the temperatures reached 90f inland. Although hot it was a nice dry heat.

Thought you would like yesterday’s ball game description. It’s taken a while for me to be even this conversant with the game. Anyway, it was exciting.

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