Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Garden Views.

The Feast Day of Saint Monica. 4th century. Mother of Saint Augustine. She prayed for his conversion to Christ and won, praise God. St Monica is the patron saint of Mothers and wives and is a wonderful example of a persevering, prayerful, gentle woman Saint.

Today it is mild and cloudy. It is 18.4c in the living room.

I have been out to the Best One shop where I bought the Daily Mail and Gardening News. Then I walked home again.
Later, I walked to the centre of Rishton High Street to put in my prescription for high blood pressure medicine. I still need to take care with that.
I returned home and put bird food out. The gazanias are in some plants, flowering, whilst some are in bud. The starlings are visiting the bird table. Magpies and pigeons and the pair of collared doves visit as well and that is lovely.
A little while later, the rain came and is continuing. Our water butt will be full and that is a blessing. Both Hunter and Holly are now indoors, sleeping happily.
I hope you enjoy a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting my site today blip friends.

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