Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A view from the living room to the conservatory

It is a special time whenever our daughter Maria visits us.
She cheers me up and is good at knitting and doing puzzles, jigsaws and making appetising meals.
I have been out for a peaceful short walk alone, to a friend's house, to contribute toward the food bank and then straight home, because it looked like it could rain. I got home, and then the Heaven's opened.
Paul and Maria have gone to visit my son and family. I had some lunch and watched Songs of Praise, presented by Reverend Kate Bottiey who brings her gifted calling to us home centred Christians and followers of Jesus's teachings. Today we learnt about the gifted architect Sir Christopher Wren. Many years ago, I climbed all the steps to the stone gallery in Wren's awesome St. Paul's Cathedral. It was amazing to see the view from the window there. It is a steep climb and many steps.
Faith in Our Lord Jesus can help us house within our heart the trust in Jesus that without that child like faith, we can get flummoxed or trust in just human thinking.
I am a bit perplexed because Paul tried 4 times to get a BP reading with the home monitor for me, but it could not register a numerical BP. I sat still with my arm on a cushion and didn't speak, as it instructs. Yet, when Paul and Maria sat to do their BP readings, it gave clear readings. I am hoping for an answer to this eventually.
It is quiet here and cold. We are in credit with our electricity bill, thank heaven, and hope to stay good on that score. Blankets on the knees help.
Have a wonderful Sunday blip friends and thank you for your kind comments and prayers.

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