A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Tuesday will see the tenth anniversary of our arrival at the Dell House and a whole new career.

Thus, we'd kept this bank holiday weekend free for a party to celebrate.  We used to have a regular annual party for friends & neighbours so we picked up that again, together with its enigmatic invitation style, and invited a glorious mix of university and local friends; neighbours; regular guests, gaming and otherwise; colleagues (as in fellow B&B owners), and a few random people we'd never met.

It was particularly pleasing to have S&F along - our second-ever B&B guests who came before we'd actually opened because they'd been regulars under the old regime and we've become good friends since.

With such an eclectic mix of people and backgrounds there were some fascinating and occasionally revealing conversations.  With a fair smattering of mature scientists and engineers present, the word of the day was thermite.  Don't ask.

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