Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

So Many Title Choices

I was up by 5am this morning thanks to the howling gale and heavy rain.

There was a meal drop-off run to be done this morning and SWMBO had a hair appointment (booked before the request for help with the meals).
I wasn't a problem - it was a short list of drop offs and One of them was only a couple of hundred yards from the hairdresser, so the plan was to pick up the meals, do the first half dozen drop offs and then SWMBO and I would collect her when I was finished,

Well, that was the plan.

The traffic was stationary (mainly due to over protective parents having to drive their little darlings to school) and we found that we were missing meals for 3 of the recipients. SO after dropping SWMBO off I had to return to The Larder and have the orders made up. I was given a cuppa while I waited and there was much discussion over the left hand not knowing what the right was doing.
It was then back out and retracing my steps and then waiting for SWMBO.
That took about 45 minutes longer than I had been told.
I got bored and took a picture of the tree next to the car (and the footwell).
All in all, a job that should have taken about an hour and a half took between three and a half and four ...... and that was without then having to go and do a shopping!!!

When we got got home I noticed that the Pansies are having a second flush.

After lunch I cut up all the veg and bunged it in the pressure cooker with the remains of the roast chicken for soup.

It will be an early night tonight.

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