
By CarolineJay


Today's nuisance. A big white Transit reversed into the shared drive first thing this morning, stayed for about 15 minutes and then drove out, smashing this drain cover and not stopping. It may well have been the same Transit that delivered some big boxes to one of the lockup garages at the end of the drive yesterday. I don't think the drain is actually on our land but I felt I had to mark it as it's about 4-feet deep and accessible from the pavement. I called it in to Northumbrian Water who said someone would be out today as I told them it was dangerous, and as of now - 7.15pm - no-one has appeared. I don't know who owns the lockups or that side of the drive and it's prompted me to start looking into the proper boundaries of this house as the Title Deeds and Plan we received from the Land Registry are way out of date. I was putting it off as a job for wet winter days, foreseeing long phone queues and tedious email trails, but I think I'd better get started. It may turn into a saga.

There's just room for me to get the car out beside the hole, but I hope they turn up to make it safe soon because I want my step-stools and triangle back!

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