
By PaulaJ

There are flowery ornaments . . .

. . . and there are flowery ornaments.

In my continuing mission ‘to get rid’ nothing is safe!

These four have sat on the bedroom windowsill, probably for as long as we have lived here. The ones on the left I bought from a pottery place in Keswick whilst we had the static caravan. They were made by a local potter and I loved them . . . and still do, even though they don’t fit into this house as well as they did into the caravan. They’re safe!

The ones on the right are bone china pieces and I really don’t know where they came from. They are not anything I would have bought, or anyone would have bought for me, unless it was my mother - that’s probably the answer. Flowery things like this are not me at all - I dislike them. So why are they still here . .

. they won’t be here much longer. They (and there are others) will soon be in the charity shop and will find themselves a new home where someone will love them.

Yes, that is rain on the window. Rain all day today . . . all day.

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