
By Jackyt

Hopefully on the mend

Struggling to get a happy photo of Dina, she's been playing with Keely and begging for my supper, but once I try and take a photo she started to look miserable.
We all had a good walk this morning, warmer than expected.
Visited the vet with Dina this afternoon, after causing disruption and a lot of smiles by playing with a young Labrador and saying hello to everyone sitting in the waiting room, we went into the consulting room. Very slightly raised temperature (but the vet said her playing in the waiting room could have put that up) she was surprised by the position of the lump but on closer observation she found a puncture point on the inside of the gum. Assumption something has penetrated the inside of her lip and caused an infection. She has a few slightly enlarged lymph nodes. She's on antibiotics for a week, to be reviewed in a week. If it doesn't settle, or comes back, further investigations to check there is no foreign body or anything else going on. I can hopefully sleep well tonight

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