An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Thistle triptych...

I was wide awake for almost three hours during the night so wasn't quite firing on all cylinders this morning.  

We were supposed to go out for lunch and sofa hunting but that has been postponed till tomorrow.  The weather was horrible, another reason I wasn't keen to venture out!

In the studio again this afternoon.  Made another start on Mairi's thistle.  Decided to paint the background first and pleased with progress so far.  I have sky and grass!  :-)  Also got my three thistle ink and wash paintings into a frame.  Not sure if they will stay there as think they might be more suited to individual frames, but will leave them be for a couple of weeks before making up my mind.

David ordered two golf sun hats for his Spanish trip and they arrived today.  The temperature is due to be in 30s (humidity at 80%!!!) so he definitely needs some extra protection but OMG!  It won't be from these two hats!  I am still sore from laughing, as is D, but he wouldn't let me blip him wearing either of them.  Spoil sport!  hahahahahaha!

Trying to organise my food shopping for next week.  With D away I won't be cooking dinner every night as I can never be bothered cooking a full meal for one.  Maybe a large bag of granola will suffice!  :-))


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