David J. Rose

By djrose007

Busy Day

Couldn't decide which photo to use so falling back on the old faithful collage maker!
Top left - I think Hetty has been watching too much Netflix! We don't have guns in our house, Eric brought this one with him when he and Ruby came to stay a few hours while Johanna 'Worked from home', our home HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
He also brought a guitar, it's not a toy, although it's not an expensive guitar. Let's hope it gets him interested in music as is Daniel and Lennon (He likes to be called Stanley now, after his great grandfather (my father)).
Then there's the trio. Maybe we are looking at a future 'New Seekers', wouldn't that be something.
And Ruby, she is quite happy playing by herself with the dollies. She talks to them, and even has them talking to each other. We don't know if she'll ever be a mother, not sure how adults with PWS get on in adulthood, but she'd certainly be a caring, loving, Mummy.

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