David J. Rose

By djrose007

Crazy Girls!

The girls, Bella and Hetty, have taken to lying on my bed to watch TV. I don't mind, I only get to watch in the evening after they are in bed anyway, and in the morning before they wake up.
I saw one of them, Hetty I think, with a small, pink pot of something. She opened it and there were round pads inside. I didn't know what they were so just left her to it.
Went in to see them, watching TV, and found they had cut two pads in half and stuck them on their eyebrows. 
I did think it was hilarious that they each them the semi-circular patches on in different ways.
I asked what they were doing and it turned out it was some sort of beauty treatment. That is until Marlane read the little tub that contained the pads. They are nail varnish remover pads!
Quickly got them to take them off in case it stung their eyes.
Crazy girls indeed!

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