Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Recycled Light

Parent-teacher evening today. Both kiddies' teachers have their respective characters completely sussed out, which made for some amusing conversations. ;-) It was lovely to hear how well the young lad is doing across the board, and to hear about Missy-moo's progressing blossoming. 8) A stand-out was hearing about her "news" this week: she took in six of her books, and talked about every one of them, her favourite bits, why they were so good, and so on. She apparently had the whole class really engaged, and some of them said they wanted to read the books she told them about, which was lovely.

On the way home, when we commented to Miss 7 that we had seen some lovely writing in her creative writing book, she told us that she wrote a story about the Big Bad Werewolf, who sucked the blood of the three little piggies and turned them into zombies. "Because vampires are the boss of zombies."

Also amusing this morning was the kids' singing: "Who let the angry birds out? Who! Who! Who! Who!"

Though I'm not sure if that's quite up there with their opus from some while ago: "Oppa farty gangnam style." xD

I downloaded a game last night on my iPad: Real Racing 3. This is one of those free games that tries to get your money by requiring credits to speed up or pay for repairs and such, or to buy or upgrade cars. Since there's no way I would pay real money to upgrade a pretend car, it remains a free game for me, so I thought I'd grab it. It's already on mrs tsuken's old iPad, and Mstr 6 has been playing it for a while. The thing about RR3 is what it calls "time-shifted multiplayer", wherein your race data is uploaded, and other players race against your performance - and you against theirs. Since mrs tsuken and I are "Game Center friends", it puts up the lad's performances (recognised by the system as her, of course) for me to race against. Which was fun and enlightening; he's really really good. xP

Oh, the photo? I snapped this when heading out to dinner, when I realised I hadn't taken a photo (of course I didn't take my camera with me, when a flock of king parrots were chowing down at a bird feeder on my way to work. Of course I didn't). There's the light from a house, the light from a streetlight, and to the left of that and a little up, The light of Venus. Well actually, the light of the Sun reflected from Venus. Come to that, the energy producing the other lights can be traced back in the end to the light from the Sun.

Oh, and you absolutely must look at this wonderful comic (in 6 parts) by The Oatmeal.

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