Auntie Sienna Sharing her Secrets with Flynn.....

Auntie Sienna was visiting from Sydney....we all met for drinky poos at a rather posh establishment.....I love it that she still calls me Fairy.........well I am her Fairy Godmother....we miss her's always so wonderful see her sweet face.

I had taken some fabulous pelican shots earlier...especially the ones with their eyes rolling around in their heads as they spied the HUMONGOUS fish the fishermen caught............. but this was so lovely.... it won the vote to be posted.

I ended up having a couple of cocktails...I hardly ever drink.......The Mint Djulips reminded me of a dirty joke.........I'm still a bit off my chops so I will quite while I'm ahead.

Wear gratitude like a cloak
and it will feed every corner of your life.
~Rumi (not the dog)

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