
By flavia13


Another dreich day today.  It started off reasonable, weather-wise.  Willie Crowe, the decorator turned up bright and early and tried to crack on, he wasn't expecting any rain today, but my 10.00 he had to abandon again.  Fingers crossed the next two days should be reasonable and they can crack on.  Not too much to do now, but he does a superb job  and doesn't cut corners - which is great.

This meant that we could escape the house so we went to Brooke Supplies for lunch.  They had a Sweet and Sour chicken on today as a special, the  first time they had tried that and it was DELICIOUS.

I  thought I would pop down to Kents  Bank station to get a view across to Arnside Knott but it was pretty grey and this is the best I could get today.

That's it back home now  and the weather os beginning to look a lot better.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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