
By Terrifo


So I did this afternoon, down to my local bus station in the hopes that there might be a bus or two in, and finished up with three, and a couple of youngsters deciding where they were going. 

The day started grey and we had some light rain in the middle of the morning through until lunch time, and then the sun broke through and it is a lovely warm afternoon.

This morning I decided to square away the spare bedroom as Sue and Jane will be spending the night here before our trip up to Scotland in October, I know we are still in August. But it led me to do some sorting in the loft. This finished up with a couple of suitcases to take to the tip, and three others which are in good condition, which I need to decide what is to be done with them.  So this afternoon, filled the boot of the car and after going to the bus station I headed to the tip, so that is another load of stuff gone :-)

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